Rebuilt Romans Blog

(Binchester and beyond)

Earth Has Been Broken!

Students from the University of Durham have begun to excavate in the fort of Binchester. Some enigmatic archaeology has already emerged, including the remains of a possible barracks block and Late Roman tower. The finds may be suggesting that we have some tantalizing evidence for refining our Late Roman - Medieval chronologies in the area. Check out Dave's blog for the details and the latest info.

Join me in Second Life!

Hello everyone!

You can find me now in Second Life. Known as SonOf Jupiter (I love that I could get this classical name), you can join me in investigating the reconstruction of the commandant's bath house that I found.

Learn about Second Life and download the free client here.

Durham Binchester Blog

David Petts from Durham University has been posting some great images and information at It is a great source of information on the state of the project. And the images sure make me homesick again for the north of England!

Be sure to click the 'Follow' button to keep up on David's news.

Ancient Rome on Google Earth

Google earth now supports a special layer that allows you to view a 3D reconstruction of ancient Rome. It is not as detailed as the Plastico model in the Museo della Civilta Romana, but it is great to be able to see a real-time version of the urban environment. The layer was developed along with the Rome Reborn project from the University of Virginia.

You can learn more about the layer and download it HERE.

This is a short video that illustrates what is possible within the virtual world platform of Second Life. It is a reconstruction of the baths building at Binchester.


Greetings everyone! This space will be a place where I'll be blogging about several of my current academic interests:

  • Binchester
  • Hadrian's Wall
  • Roman civilian settlements in the Frontier Zone (vici)
  • Virtual reconstructions of antiquity
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